Questions You Need To Ask Your Partner Before Your Say "I DO"
Getting married is such a wonderful thing. When you fall in love with that special person in your life and you are ready for the next step, to be fully committed to one another. There are certain things couples need to ask each other to ascertain that they are working towards the same goal and each person is willing to sacrifice for the other. But without couples assuming that their partners knows what they want, they like or do not like.
These are some of the questions you need to ask your partner,
1) Do you want to have children and if yes how many. I know this might sound rubbish to the ears of some, but believe you me, I have see some couples that fight over I want a baby and the other do not. Or if they do want babies, one might just want one and the other might want four children or so. So, it is good to discuss this before hand.
2) Who is going to help with the house-chores? I know we are in the 21st century but believe it or not, some men still believe that it is still the duties of the woman to do all the house work even if she comes back home late from work and he is already home before her. And she is almost knock out. My believe is that house work needs to be shared among the couples because marriage is a union where you work together as one and where you share your work load.
3) Who is going to deal with the finances. This is a big one... Click here to know more.
4) How often are you both going to go for a date? This is very important to keep the communication line open at all times. This is because most often couples are busy running after their day jobs or may be busy doing other things like taking care of the children and both partners neglect each other and do not have time for one another to just spent on their own without interruption. I would advice at least take time to sit without any disruption from anyone else once a week to have a heart to heart discussion.
5) Who cooks the meal and/or washes the dishes?
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